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How much of your daily activity is conscious?

Implicit Bias is Unconscious

Our  Brains are Wired to take Short Cuts

​​What if we could use more of our brain's capacity?


What if we could connect to openness and trust and let go of defensiveness, self-doubt and fear?


Implicit bias does not have to rule. 

Can you stop something that is unconscious?  No. However, you can:


  • raise self-awareness to mitigate the harm of implicit bias

  • become more mindful

  • employ pre-encounter and post encounter strategies to disrupt implicit bias

  • consciously connect and build community with people different than you

  • talk about implicit bias in a community of your choice to raise your inclusion competency

  • commit to the work of inclusion

  • have better relationships


Explicit bias is known. Implicit or unconscious bias is unknown.  If you have a brain you are bias.  Whether these biases are true attitudes or culturally learned associations, they undermine and harm people, your organization, and society at large.


Implicit bias limits an organization's ability to find, develop, and leverage great talent. Implicit bias can affect everything from parenting, to how we lead, to organizational competitiveness. 


Disrupting and mitigating implicit bias is possible.  Conscious Connection, a Mindful Journey to Inclusion is a program that starts with the research that we are all bias. Conscious Connection provides experiential activities and research to slow our brains down to intentionally lead inclusively.  

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Many questions surfaced.


  • Why aren’t diversity programs increasing diversity?

  • What motivates people to change their behavior?

  • What can be done about implicit bias if it is unconscious?

  • What is the role of leadership?

  • What about the other legs of the stool, recruitment, mentoring, performance management, social engagement across diverse groups, i.e. contact

  • How do we train and support majority members to be the Ally?

  • What can be done to support self-efficacy?

  • What are the limits and scope of this project?

Project and Scope

The scope and deliverables for the project

  • Depending upon the organizations's mission and vision for D&I provide consult, strategic partnership, and tactical support

  • Identify research we would use as foundation to learning

  • Identify the skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to demonstrate diversity, inclusion, managing bias, and efficacy competency

  • Analyze learner and organizational context

  • Determine technology options for delivery and collaboration

  • Determine key concepts and ways to present in micro-units

  • Determine objectives for each unit

  • Create media project Report


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