Alicia Newton
Learning Path, LLC
Alicia Newton is a Master Trainer, Facilitator, Author, and Instructional Designer with an extensive background in diversity and inclusion, and leadership development. She is the Founder and Chief Learning Consultant for Learning Path, LLC. In this role she partners with organizations to identify learning needs, determine, and develop the best solution to motivate behavioral change and assist with business transformation.
She has a Masters in Information and Learning Technologies; concentration in eLearning Design and Implementation. She is an expert in learning design methodology and uses ADDIE, SAM, Action Mapping, adult learning principles, and quick design methodologies to create instructor-led, blended, and e-Learning courses. Her dual skill of design and delivery informs her design choices, ensuring experiential learning, participant engagement and self discovery.
Supporting progress towards a more inclusive world is Alicia's life mission. She has an extensive background facilitating, designing, and consulting on Diversity and Inclusion initiatives. Alicia is a Certified Master Trainer for Managing Inclusion; a 2-day intensive for leaders as well as Managing Bias a course to help participants accept and manage their unconscious biases. Ever fascinated, and skilled at helping others value the diverse personalities, perspectives, and experiences of each other Alicia is certified in Myers-Briggs, Type Indicator (MBTI), DiSC, and Situational Leadership.
Benefit's of Inclusion - When people feel valued, they add value
This site documents the process of curriculum development for a specific D&I project. There is more about Alicia Newton and her company at alicianewton.com
Conscious Connection the Power of Inclusion
Course List
Appreciating Authenticity: Leveraging the Power of Diversity
Breaking Bias: Managing Unconscious Bias
Conscious Connection: Inclusion and Belonging
Ally Alliance
From Alienation to Self-Efficacy

Learn to live the competency "Practices Inclusion".
This curriculum is designed to help learners build self-awareness, self-management, community, and compassion to act inclusively and lead courageously.
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