Our core team, Barbara Leahey, Christina Kisley, Michael Canty, and myself, had extensive experience implementing D&I initiatives in public and private organizations. Our process led us to the following questions and conclusions:
What is the problem we are trying to solve? Exclusion. The act of exclusion can result in:
Fear of physical harm
Physical pain
Emotional pain
Organizational loss (innovation, creativity, cognitive diversity, financial and competitive edge)
Cognitive dissonance
Why aren’t diversity programs increasing diversity?
Diversity work started as a reactive response to discrimination lawsuits.
Mandates rarely work. People rebel against rules to assert their autonomy.
Neuroscience, SCARF, Social Theory
Our brains are wired for bias. We naturally take cognitive short cuts that result in in-group / out-group bias
Much of the early work focused on negative messages and shaming, activating natural defense mechanisms
According to research by the Neuroleadership Institute threats to status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness trigger defenses
The terms Diversity and Inclusion can be a trigger
​Programs used a "push" vs "pull" approach. Managers were singled out as the primary recipients of the training inferring guilt by association
Building D&I curriculum's that include everyone, present a specific call to action, address issues of unconscious bias, privilege, inclusion, and diversity, include accountability and provide tools and support have remained a challenge.
Training is only one component toward the development of an inclusive organization
Structures and systems within organizations
Hiring and recruiting efforts lack structures to mitigate implicit bias and/or fail to engage hiring managers in diverse recruiting efforts
Lack of affinity groups to support employees who may feel as if they are not in the in-group
Performance Management system studies show raters tend to lowball women and minorities in performance reviews or highball them withholding necessary developmental feedback.
Diversity and Inclusion is not integrated into the values and competencies of the organization
An absence of mentoring programs
Learning and development opportunities not available for the independent learner. Management consent needed to access development the learner may need or want.
What motivates people to change their behavior?

How can we engage learners differently?
Create language that is non threatening to engage learners in the process
Present digital content in micro-chunks to support self-directed learning
Allow learners to set their own learning goals. Example: What do you know and what would you like to know about mindfulness, implicit bias inclusion, belonging? Here are some micro-lessons. Where will you look for additional information?
Learners create their own learning evaluation and plan for improvement
Self-directed and collaborative learning catalyzed as learners find, share, and are rewarded for bringing insight to the community
Incorporate a "Quest" element. Provide clear objectives and examples of skills learners will need to acquire. Allow learners to assign achievement criteria.
Use learner analytics to gauge what is working. Make adjustments for improvement based on the data
Changing behavior requires intrinsic motivation. Invariably specific to an individuals personal choice, influences, and personal situation.
We choose the ADKAR model as our guide to providing the construct designing a program of change that was learner centered
A - awareness (facilitate self-directed learning to build awareness of diversity, inclusion, implicit bias, mindfulness)
D - desire (engage learners in independent study and reflection, collaborative learning and conversations to clarify wiifm, discuss personal situations that stifle desire and reward desired behaviors)
K - knowledge (use and encourage the use of technology for learners to find the information they need. Create micro learning units to transfer knowledge. Engage learners in personal learning networks to increase knowledge. Engage in practice and feedback during F2F classes and virtual feedback sessions.
A - ability (Create practice and feedback loops as learners practice skills. Clearly define competencies and create opportunities to document and demonstrate.
R - reinforcements (create environment where failure is seen as part of the learning process. Use social media, personal learning networks, and virtual space to showcase accomplishment and engage in continuous learning. Meaningful reward for demonstrating competency)
What are the limits and scope of this project?
After extensive analysis and discussions, we decided the delivery method would be blended. How we start the process is critical. Diversity and inclusion courses in itself can be a trigger not conducive to the work.
This program starts with a face to face class focused on the authenticity of the individual and what supports an individual to show up authentically. The group is facilitated to embracing authenticity, their own and others. In the kickoff face to face course learners explore how the sense of belonging enables people to engage of their physical, mental, and emotional resources to achieve tasks, objectives and goals. Finally, the kickoff will provide time for individual work, reflection, small group, and large group work to determine actions and what learners can commit to to practice inclusion.
Other Face to Face Courses will:
Define Diversity, Inclusion, Implicit Bias
Experience how your brain perpetuates unconscious bias
Experience how power and privilege impact how one leads
Practice intentional conversations that foster inclusion
Learn a framework for ongoing development of practicing inclusion
Provide support for self-efficacy
The virtual learning will:
Be designed in small micro-chunks of learning. On demand learning to drive the self-directed learner to find supplemental information
Allow the learner to control the time, order, and device to access the training
Include a “Quest” element – assigning an achievement and reward for progress
Provide time and space for learners to privately assess and reflect
Include a collaborative virtual space
Include self-paced eLearning and synchronous learning
Support learners to build a community of interest and support
We identified the following topics for short self-paced eLearning:
Your Authentic Self
Diversity, yes this includes you
Inclusion (possibly part 1 and part 2)
Implicit Bias (possibly part 1 and part 2)
We have piloted the face to face kick-off with great feedback from participants. ​
We are still considering a synchronous virtual debriefs.
The virtual community of practice will evolve based on learner input. We have discussed blogs, PLN’s, wiki’s
To kickoff the virtual community of practice we will start video taping our D&I conversations.
The virtual space will include some type of discussion board. Example:
Identify diversity and inclusion thought leaders and share something with the group that resonates with you. (hint: Twitter, LinkedIn)
We are also considering “Sunday Suppers.” A practice inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision of people from diverse backgrounds interacting on personal levels
We cannot control organizational structures and systems that may not support the work.
We cannot control leadership's level of support and participation.
We cannot control the learner. This is an opt in, self-directed learning opportunity.