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How Should Leaders Respond to the Muslim Ban?

As concern about the impact of the latest executive order banning people from 7 Muslim countries from entering the U.S. grows, how should Leaders lead on this divisive issue? We can trust the research that integrity is of central importance to effective leadership. Appearing incongruent will undermine your mission.

Congruency Matters

Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg said “The United States is a nation of immigrants, and we should be proud of that……..I’m concerned about the impact of the recent executive orders signed by President Trump.”

Apple CEO Tim Cook said Apple “will do everything we can” to support affected employees. “Apple believes deeply in the importance of immigration—both to our company and to our nation’s future,” he wrote. “Apple would not exist without immigration, let alone thrive and innovate the way we do.”

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner said “40% of Fortune 500 founded by immigrants or their children. All ethnicities should have access to opportunity -- founding principle of U.S.”

Microsoft president Brad Smith wrote “We believe that immigration laws can and should protect the public without sacrificing people’s freedom of expression or religion.”

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said "We are living in an unprecedented time, one in which we are witness to the conscience of our country, and the promise of the American dream, being called into question," announcing the company will hire 10,000 refugees in the 75 countries where it does business, with the effort starting in the United States.

What speaks louder

What is said or what is unsaid? In certainty and uncertainty people look to leadership for the example. Have you ever been in an organization where the values were known and celebrated? Have you ever been in an organization where the stated values were scoffed at? Where did you want to be?

Social pain activates the pain centers in the brain. Exclusion is social pain. Further studies show witnessing the social pain of others hurts. The pace of change requires agility and it is hard to be agile weighed down with fear and doubt.

Your people need leaders to reinforce their commitment to them. Now, more than ever people need leadership that can be trusted. Lead with the integrity that inspires trust. Inclusion is a leadership competency with behavioral indicators your people can see.

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