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Critique of a digital story related to my theme

How does our wiring; how our brain works, influence our ability to connect with others and work together to build better relationships, communities, organizations and ultimately a better world?

Cigna implemented a virtual, voluntary learning community to help their managers become better coaches. The level of participation and improvement, based on employee engagement scores, exceeded expectation. Encouraged by these improvements Cigna implemented the next dramatic step in performance development by abolished their performance review process. Cigna is focused on continuing to build coaching capacity across their managerial ranks and build upon these transformative changes.

The underpinning of their transformative change process is neuroleadership.

I choose this digital story to critique because it speaks to my theme this semester; The value of neuroscience to the Learning and Development Community.

The elements of this digital story I am assessing are story, originality-voice-creativity, and problem solving and innovation. Karen Kocher, Chief Learning Officer for Cigna is the primary story teller in this digital story. I was particularly impressed with her original sense of voice and fresh approach to a complex organizational learning opportunity.

Karen told the story with the excitement and authentic voice of a practitioner who tries something with some trepidation only to see it wildly succeed. Her leadership was also impressive and resonated througout the story. Karen's foresight in implementing something dramatically different and the courage to stand up and support it when the angst of change surfaced is truly the mark of an exceptional leader.

The story of a company with 40,000 employees in 37 countries challenged with developing the coaching skills of their managers across the globe was a great story in itself. The innovation of Cigna's approach, using neuroleadership and neuroleadership practices and principles, is inspiring and creative. This story intrigued me and sparked even more curiosity about neuroscience and learning and development.


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