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I'm a Master Facilitator, Instructional Designer, and Training and Development Consultant who loves technology and creating learning solutions grounded in adult learning theory. Here are just a few of the professional projects I have designed, developed, and facilitated.  


Our industry has been disrupted. However, how adults learn through autonomy and repetition has not. Technology has provided us with amazing tools to make learning more effective than ever!


I have developed and facilitated webinars, eLearning, mLearning, and classroom training.  I have started building an app to support the DiSC behavior styles assessment.  All of my clients applaud my creativity and resourcefulness getting things done. 


I also believe we all make mistakes and we all need encouragement and feedback.  I help people release limiting beliefs, believe in themselves, and live their best lives. I do not believe in passive learning.  We learn on the job, in community, while playing and through self-directed motivation.  Let me help you build the learning organization your business demands. 

The Challenge of Change

In this course, based on the book by Jeffrey M. Hiatt, and my own experience implementing successful change initiatives, you will learn how to create and implement the ADKAR change strategy, and how to move yourself and others through the emotional challenges of change.

Leading change is a leadership must have competency.  This blended learning solution teaches the concepts and provides practice and feedback.  

At the end of this course participants create a change strategy for a change initiative in their own organizations or in their lives. 

Prototype for DiSC App

As a facilitator of DiSC, Myers Briggs, Situational Leadership and other popular assessments, and tools to help learners build greater self-awareness and social awareness I've found that learners often forget what to look for when trying to apply these helpful tools.

I am a huge proponent of micro learning and just in time learning resources.  To that challenge I've started building an app to help learners.  This is the prototype.  

Conscious Connection, 
The Power of Inclusion

This video communicates the spirit and methodology of this work

Currently developing Conscious Connection, The Power of Inclusion.  Using a "pull" vs. "push" approach, this blended learning solution facilitates rather than mandates.  Learners reflect on their own authenticity and who they are, while having the space to get to know others. 


This curriculum is designed to help you and your organization live the competency "practices inclusion".


Inclusive organizations utilize their talent to the fullest extent possible.  A sense of belonging is foundational to practicing inclusion. This program incorporates the latest neuroscience, mindfulness, and implicit bias research to help learners develop inclusion as a life skill, a leadership currency, a path to connection, and an organizational competency. 

“Companies really need to look at inclusion as a strategy,” says Nsombi B. Ricketts, director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Northwestern University, “We are at the point where [fostering inclusion] is a necessity to drive innovation; companies that are not able to do this will not survive.”

Conscious Connection:


Practicing inclusion is a life and leadership skill.  The same area of the brain that signals physical pain, feels exclusion.  Exclusion causes pain.  All of us have felt the feeling of exclusion.  All of us want to feel we belong; feel we are seen, and heard.


This curriculum is designed to help learners build self-awareness, self-management, community, and compassion to act inclusively and lead courageously. The skills needed to intentionally include others.  The science shows we are wired to detect threat; real or imagined.  Useful automatic reactions when dinosaurs roamed but often detrimental in today's society when we are seldom in direct threat of bodily harm.  Inclusion must be conscious.  We either consciously include or unconsciously exclude.  


Implicit bias lives in our unconscious.   Our brains are meaning making machines. Evolution, social influence, societal, organizational, and intergroup patterns of contact and norms for intergroup relations teach our brains what associations to make,  Evolved from survival mechanisms, these default networks can be harmful in our relationships, businesses, and organizations.  The great news is we can change associations that are not helpful.  The brain is malleable. Learned biases can be unlearned.


Mindfulness and implicit bias awareness creates a moment of choice, when automatic stereotype activation surfaces. Research shows it takes a combination of motivation and cognitive resources for people to identify when implicit bias is activated, intervene when negative micro-aggressions occur, and consciously act in an inclusive manner.

Implicit bias is just part of human nature.  Our brain structure evolved from our survival instinct when we walked amongst the dinosaurs.  Our old brain or limbic system is wired to perceive threat quickly and respond with fight, flight, or freeze  responses.  Useful then, however, today we are normally not in life or death situations and these primitive or "lizard" brain responses are detrimental in our relationships, teams, or social environments.  Trust, empathy, respect, compassion, and emotional intelligences are the new brain currencies and competencies in the diversity of the 21st century.

As with any challenge the first step is awareness.   Click below to hear my mega-moment of face to face confrontation with my own implicit bias. 

I am not unlike you.  We can learn how to retrain our brains and develop the cognitive competencies to intentionally include or continue to disconnect, exclude, and cause harm with unconscious bias.

People Skills

I designed and developed a suite of people skills classes (listening, coaching, and change management) as part of on-boarding curriculum for a leading company in the fast food industry.  This course on building successful teams is instructor-led.  The prerequisite which teaches key concepts is and e-Learning course that can also be presented via webinar.



This course will teach you skills to enhance all of your relationships.  Learn how to recognize emotion, identify and name feelings, understand the difference between empathy and sympathy, and stay out of judgment.  Empathy is one course in our new Emotional Intelligence curriculum.


There are classroom and an e-Learning components to the Emotional Intelligence curriculum  

Energy Leadership

Do you want to be a better leader?  Would you like your employees to be more engaged and productive? Do you want to create the life you want? Energy Leadership is all about you! Learn how to harness your energy and make it work for you.   Learn how to avoid being co-opted by negative energy; yours and others.  Transcend energy that de-focuses, derails, and distracts. Create the leadership legacy you desire.  Energy drives everything.  Learn how to leverage it powerfully and purposefully. 

Healing Broken Pieces

This instructor-led course takes participants on an inner journey into self-awareness, self-love, and self-worth.  Release limiting belief systems and reclaim your power.


This1/2 day workshop is perfect for affinity groups, mastermind groups, retreats, and person ready to catapult to the next level. 


Course Objectives:

  • Determine the differences between Developmental and Restorative Growth

  • Identify a place in your character that has been wounded, stunted, or otherwise in need of restorative growth

  • Assess the defense/coping mechanisms you employ

  • Practice moving from defense/coping to “Real Relationships”

C.A.R.P. Webinar

Eliminate "death by PowerPoint bullet agony" Use C.A.R.P. to create more visually stimulating content.


Brain research validates the power of the visual for learning.  Increase learner recall and make your presentations, messages and courses memorable and effective.  


This informal webinar explains the power and application of C.A.R.P. (content, alignment, repetition, and proximity) and how to easily incoporate these proven principles into your presentations. 

Somatics Debrief (Leading, Living, Loving Intentionally Retreat Workshop)

Who do you intend to be? What is your self-perception? How do you impact others, and make intentional decisions about how you want to lead, love, and live?  This workshop is designed to bring you into a more whole integrated place of leadership.  We ultimately lead from who we are, not what we know.  


Everything starts from our center.  This video clip shows participant reaction to somatic centering. Change, challenge, innovation, and creativity are two sides of the same coin. Somatics, small group facilitated discussions, assessments, reflection, developmental, and restorative growth combine to make this a leadership development opportunity you don't want to miss.


Job Aids

Job aids serve to provide information, support procedures, as well as coach perspectives, decisions, and self evaluation for learners.  


This is the front side of a job aid I created to support a new sales technique.  Sales reps were responsible for changing their sales message to the new Power Messaging model.  To support that behavior change this job aid provided learners with behavioral indicators, examples of the conversational approach they would be held accountable for and message sequence reminders.  

Comprehensive Competence 2014  

Do you want to get a jumpstart on your 2015 professional development? The Annual Comprehensive Competence Annual Women's Leadership Conference is just right for you.  


Learning Path and Your Sweet Spot Coaching has partnered with some amazing professionals to present a toolset proven to improve your success factor.  Competence is more than performance.  The Comprehensive Competence model addresses six pillars of competence and strategies for excelling in your leadership.


November 14, 2014.  Register Today! Seats are limited.




"Alicia is resourceful and builds strategic partnerships to achieve key objectives.  Business partners consistently comment on her interpersonal skills and ability to bring groups together to accomplish a task.  She also is known to be diligent regarding her commitments and displays the right level of persistence even when faced with challenging tasks or obstacles. Her style is engaging and she has repeatedly shown that she has a passion for adult learning and that she herself is a continuous learner."

Arlette Guthrie, VP Talent Management, The Home Depot

"This woman right HERE is the workshop whisperer!!!! She sees things you can't see.

She is an Instructional Designer who eats and breathes adult learning and development! Trust me!

You REALLY want to consult with her before you go live." 

Dr. Rae, Business Owner, Choose You Coaching 

@ 2018 Learning Path, LLC All Rights Reserved

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